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Kyle J. Czech


Languages and Technologies

  • Languages: Python, SQL

  • Technologies: Pandas, Numpy, SQLAlchemy \(\vert\) OCI, AWS \(\vert\) \(\vert\) LaTeX

  • Tools: git, conda, mkdocs, direnv, Jira, Confluence

  • Other: Architecture Decision Records (ADRs), type-hinting, docstrings


Oracle (May 2021 - Present)
  • Sr. Data Warehouse Engineer

    • Designed, implemented, and maintained team tech stack and network architecture for AWS to OCI migration. Worked with Oracle Infrastructure and Security teams to gain Corporate Security Solution Assurance Process (CSSAP) approval for the team's AWS-to-OCI migration strategy and cloud resources provisioning.
    • Maintained 4-OCI compute instances (Oracle Linux) and co-maintained 2-AWS EC2 instances (Ubuntu) to support clean development environments for team-engineering efforts implementing Conda for environment management and direnv as a directory-dependent environment activation tool. Used Terraform to reproducibly provision OCI cloud resources for our team.
    • Created data_tools, a core data transformation package exposing higher-level functionality to facilitate ETL pipeline implementations.
    • Created gcj_api_integrations, an integration package to synchronize GitLab, Jira, and Confluence via polling and webhook events for cross-platform synchronized content.
    • Developed db_metadata_tools package to run metadata queries in SQL Server and Oracle databases to monitor SQL Server-to-Oracle database object migration progress.
    • Created a package to generate/serve documentation of team code via markdown + HTML templates using mkdocs.
    • Mentored, through Oracle Mentoring, a multi-month Python REST API data ingestion and data analysis project.
    • Presented in 2 division-wide Oracle Web-Conferences on the benefit of mentoring at the project and team levels.
    • Authored documentation on Python development-environment setup and modular Python design patterns.
  • PIKE Technologies (October 2018 - January 2021)
    • textops: a package providing regex-based functionality for text parsing and transformation.
    • dattools: a core package processing and statistical analyses of product performance and BI datasets.
    • pikeQC: a computational signal processing application for streamlining QC testing and automated quality control report generation, reducing QC testing from 45 minutes to 7 minute
    • Developed the JavaScript functionality to perform Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy simulations powering the PIKECalc spectroscopy calculator web and desktop application.
University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 2012 - October 2018)
  • Graduate Research Assistant
    • Designed and created the first time-resolved hyperspectral microscopy system at UW-Madison.
    • Designed, simulated, and prototyped a Low Noise Photodiode (LNP) detector for pulsed laser measurements.
    • datafigure: a package for generating data plots with context-specific font scaling and annotation positioning.
    • xcorr: Cross-correlative composition mapping package for the analysis of hyperspectral microscopy data.
    • Developed and debugged code to aggregate, process, and model multidimensional array datasets.
    • Created data visualizations of multidimensional datasets for academic and non-academic audiences.


B.A. in Chemistry (May 2012) Concordia College, Moorhead MN